Cutting-edge CCTV technology for advanced drainage surveys at SOS Liquid Waste Specialists

CCTV Drain Surveys

SOS Liquid Waste Specialists’ comprehensive reports pinpoint the exact locations of problem areas within your drainage system. Sometimes, waste removal or cleaning issues cannot be resolved with conventional equipment or manpower, necessitating the use of CCTV technology.

Our CCTV Drain Surveys uncover a variety of issues, from root intrusion to significant structural faults in your drains.

Since 1986, SOS Liquid Waste Specialists has been utilizing state-of-the-art color CCTV equipment to explore even the darkest, most inaccessible areas, identifying problems with minimal disruption to your business operations.

You will receive color video/DVD footage, high-resolution color photographs, and detailed computer-generated reports that cover every aspect of the surveyed area.

This allows us to determine the root cause of the issue and recommend the most effective solutions for you and the environment.

  • Léiríonn tuarascálacha cuimsitheacha Speisialtóirí Dramhaíola Leachtaí SOS suíomhanna beachta na réimsí fadhbanna laistigh de do chóras draenála. Uaireanta, ní féidir saincheisteanna a bhaineann le baint dramhaíola nó glanadh dramhaíola a réiteach le trealamh traidisiúnta nó le daonchumhacht, rud a fhágann gur gá teicneolaíocht CCTV a úsáid.

    Nochtann ár Suirbhéanna Draenála CCTV saincheisteanna éagsúla, ó chur isteach ó fhréamh go lochtanna struchtúracha suntasacha i do dhraenacha.

    Ó 1986, tá Speisialtóirí Dramhaíola Leachtacha SOS ag baint úsáide as trealamh CCTV dath nua-aimseartha chun na ceantair is dorcha agus is inrochtana a iniúchadh, ag aithint fadhbanna a bhfuil cur isteach íosta acu ar d’oibríochtaí gnó.

    Gheobhaidh tú píosaí scannáin daite físe / DVD, grianghraif daite ardtaifigh, agus tuairiscí mionsonraithe a ghineann ríomhaire a chlúdaíonn gach gné den limistéar a ndearnadh suirbhé air.

    Ligeann sé seo dúinn bunchúis na ceiste a chinneadh agus na réitigh is éifeachtaí duit féin agus don chomhshaol a mholadh.

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