When you're out enjoying your garden, the last thing you need to be thinking about is your septic tank.


SOS Liquid Waste Water Solutions has been engaged in the installation of septic tanks and treatment plants for more than 38 years.

Septic tanks serve as a means for collecting and settling domestic sewage and waste. They offer a traditional solution for sewage disposal in residential properties not connected to the main drainage system. Following treatment, the effluent in a septic tank flows from the outlet pipe to percolate in the soakage area.

SOS conducts an assessment to determine the appropriateness of the proposed septic tank site. Site suitability factors include household occupancy and the soil's drainage capabilities or percolation rate.

We provide and set up septic tanks from various manufacturers, enabling us to evaluate both cost and performance to ensure the best value for our customers. With extensive experience working across all brands and manufacturers of septic tanks and treatment plants, we have in-depth knowledge of Tricel, Biocel, and Bio-Cycle systems.

Our skilled team assures top-quality products, exceptional customer service, and minimal disruption to your household and outdoor space.

  • Tá Speisialtóirí Dramhaíola Leachtacha SOS i mbun dabhcha séarachais agus ionaid chóireála a shuiteáil le breis agus 38 bliain.

    Feidhmíonn dabhcha séarachais mar bhealach chun séarachas agus dramhaíl tí a bhailiú agus a shocrú. Cuireann siad réiteach traidisiúnta ar fáil le haghaidh diúscairt séarachais i réadmhaoin chónaithe nach bhfuil ceangailte leis an bpríomhchóras draenála. Tar éis na cóireála, sreabhann an t-eisilteach i ndabhach shéarachais ón bpíopa asraoin go dtí go síothlaíonn sé sa limistéar maothaithe.

    Déanann SOS measúnú chun oiriúnacht an tsuímh um dabhach shéarachais atá beartaithe a chinneadh. I measc na bhfachtóirí oiriúnachta suímh tá áitíocht tí agus cumais draenála nó ráta síothlaithe na hithreach.

    Soláthraíonn muid agus bunaíonn muid dabhcha séarachais ó mhonaróirí éagsúla, rud a chuireann ar ár gcumas costas agus feidhmíocht a mheas chun an luach is fearr a chinntiú dár gcustaiméirí. Le taithí fhairsing ag obair ar fud na mbrandaí agus na monaróirí uile dhabhcha séarachais agus gléasraí cóireála, tá eolas domhain againn ar chórais Tricel, Biocel, agus Bio-Cycle.

    Cinntíonn ár bhfoireann oilte táirgí den scoth, seirbhís eisceachtúil do chustaiméirí, agus an cur isteach is lú ar do spás tí agus lasmuigh.

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