Keeping your septic tank in tip-top shape doesn't have to be a chore

Manage Your Septic Tank

SOS Liquid Waste Specialists is the premier provider of septic tank emptying services in Galway. Since 1986, we have been expertly emptying and cleaning septic tanks, delivering comprehensive service with every job.

We desludge all types of treatment plants, including Klargester, Puraflo, Tricell, Biocycle, Envirocare, and many others. If your system isn’t listed, rest assured, we can manage it.

Before Booking Your Service

Ensure Manhole Covers are Exposed
If your manhole covers are hidden under grass or soil, you’ll need to clear the earth around the lids to expose them. A complete service cannot be performed through ventilation pipes.

Measure the Distance to Your Septic Tank
Measure the distance from the potential parking spot for our truck to your septic tank. This helps ensure the driver brings enough hose to reach your tank. If you don’t have a measuring tape, you can estimate the distance by counting your steps.

  • Má tá clúdaigh do dhúnphoill i bhfolach faoi fhéar nó faoi ithir, beidh ort an talamh a ghlanadh timpeall na gclaibíní chun iad a nochtadh. Ní féidir seirbhís iomlán a dhéanamh trí phíopaí aerála.

  • Déan an fad ón láthair pháirceála fhéideartha dár dtrucail chuig do dhabhach shéarachais a thomhas. Cuidíonn sé seo lena chinntiú go dtugann an tiománaí go leor píobán chun do dhabhach a bhaint amach. Mura bhfuil miosúr agat, is féidir leat an fad a mheas trí do chéimeanna a chomhaireamh.

To prolong the life of your septic tank, be mindful of what goes into it

  • Avoid disposing of food scraps, sand, gravel, greases, and oils.

  • Be cautious with chemicals and solvents that can harm the beneficial bacteria in your tank.

  • Regularly empty and clean your septic tank to prevent the buildup of sludge and scum that can clog the soakaway.

    • Seachain bia, gaineamh, gairbhéal, gréisceacha agus olaí a dhiúscairt. 

    • Bí cúramach le ceimiceáin agus tuaslagóirí a d'fhéadfadh dochar a dhéanamh do na baictéir tairbheacha i do dhabhach. 

    • Go rialta folmhaigh agus glan do dhabhach shéarachais chun cosc a chur ar dhríodar agus ar screamh a chuireann bac ar pholl súite.

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